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Yet we wonder why products of the Warwick School system such as Donna Travis have failed the community. Of 14,000 school districts in the United States, the Warwick teachers rank in the top 2% of pay and benefits, yet they produce the bottom rankings in product and have the most absenteeism. No other trade (other than the WFD) in the private sector has this type of absenteeism.

Yet the teachers continue to brainwash the students and the parents that they are over worked and under paid while they continue to produce sub standard product, even after the 13.46 million dollar raise in the last contract.

What is remarkable is that at 7:30 pm there is not 100 angry parents posting on this article. That in itself is prima facia evidence as to how anesthetized the population of this city is. Hence, they continue to elect long term unsuccessful public servants like Avedisian, Travis, and many others.

Hint to the Oakland Beach residents - Your community is the lowest on the socioeconomic ladder of financial stability in the city. Look who your representative is. 8th grade drop out, political leach, political prostitute. Think about it.

From: Teacher absenteeism near highest in RI

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