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Well said Thecaptain. On top of that, Councilwoman Donna Travis has been found guilty of numerous violations in the past few years by both the RI Board of Elections, AND The RI Ethics Commission. She is to stupid, and to corrupt, to be allowed to continue as the representative from Ward Six on the Warwick City Council. If she can't be impeached (LOL), then she should not be voted for ever again. The only people she helps in this City are the public employee unions. Like the recent WFD contract where she was one of the 5 renegade Council members to schedule a Friday night special meeting, just before Christmas, to approve their contract. She, with Howe, Mccallister, Sinapi, and McElroy couldn't wait two more weeks until regular meeting. She, and these other 4 losers on the Council, then 2 weeks later rammed through this disaster of a WFD Contract after hearing many known problems with it. Oh, I forgot, she also was able to got her daughter a job at the Warwick Public Library with no experience.

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From: Teacher absenteeism near highest in RI

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