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This is the same recycled article that is submitted every year. And I will bring up again that Warwick has no short or long term disability coverage or plan. Teachers do not receive TDI. During the 2018-2019 school year, I am sure that many teachers had babies and I personally know another 3 who were out for a good part of the year receiving cancer treatments. They may have missed 50-60 days each dealing with these issues (including childbirth). These days are included in the bogus statistics that Dr. Phil dusts off each year. These teachers were not chronically absent.. but they are lumped into these statistics. Teachers in this district pay a formula fee on the day they give birth and every missed day of their maternity leave. They use those 90 days that Dr. Phil likes to talk about so much. Bottom line ... this article is inaccurate and do not even think about having a baby or god forbid getting cancer if you are a Warwick teacher.. you will look like you are a chronically absent jerk. What a joke.

From: Teacher absenteeism near highest in RI

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