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The presentation at the SC meeting made it clear that the numbers presented did not include anyone out on long-term leave (such as maternity leave) or absent under FMLA provisions - they were not factored into those figures. Unfortunately, the article doesn't make that clear. I think the data clearly shows that this is an issue. Virtually every school system has old buildings - Cranston's building stock is pretty similar to ours so that's can't be a viable excuse, IMO. I just can't accept that there's something peculiar about our building stock or the overall age of our staff that makes us so different from most other districts in the state. As far as the 90 day issue is concerned, while it may or may not be the root cause, it has to be considered a factor. To summarily rule it out it as a factor would be disingenuous. Personally, I'm a fan of 'X' number of sick days with some banking provisions and TDI. It's neat, clean, and much more in line with what the private sector does.

David Testa

From: Teacher absenteeism near highest in RI

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