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Bill123, again, the paragraph you referenced was from a spreadsheet (by school) that totaled every project slated for each school. Not every single project is being done so the author used the grand total of all projects, not of the projects slated to be done. All projects have an A&E assumption included in them. I think expecting that level of detail in the article is a little 'hopeful'. The School Dept has had a pretty good handle on project costs and scope with the first phase of projects. So far most all have come in under budget. That info is listed on the WPS website and is available here

John Stark, I've stated for along time that what goes on inside of a school building - the teaching, learning and, most importantly, the results - are what keeps and attracts people to a city. And we have a lot of work to do on that front. We fool ourselves in thinking that new, shiny objects will make it all better.

dave testa

From: School bond request trimmed to $56M, future of Pilgrim, Toll Gate explored

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