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So according to the Daydreamer, if you are a resident with an education and understand how to read a balance sheet, and you don't run for political office, you have no credibility.

So what he really is saying is that unless you run for office you do not have the right afforded to you by the 1st amendment. Naturally, a beneficiary of a union pension, paid for by the taxpayers, would try anything to discredit anyone who comes from the public with facts, official documents, and analysis. That is the game they play.

What we do know fro certain is that none of the union membership can perform simple math. If they could they would be concerned as we all know that these promises will never be made whole. Particularly for the younger members. The older members are getting out while they can to take whatever they can until the house of cards collapses. And it will collapse.

From: Citing city woes, taxpayer group appeals for candidates

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