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For anyone who wants to see the true Johnny Pajamas, click on the Beacon story about police officers addresses being shielded from the public. In the comment section of that article, Johnny Pajamas writes:

"I CHOOSE not to run, and work with CORRUPT SCUMBAGS. That happens to be why I CHOSE to leave the PPD. Bunch of dopes, or CORRUPT SCUMBAG POLITICIANS wearing uniforms. You wish you could earn what I make a year COWARD."

Well Johnny The Liar, previously you stated you left the police department due to a "work related injury", and now you're saying you left the police department because you didn't want to work with "corrupt scumbags " (your words). So what's the true reason why you left the PPD? Was it your inability to get along with others or your desire to grab a phony disability pension and screw the taxpayers?

Moving on to your next statement "You wish you could earn what I make a year COWARD", why don't you grow a set and inform the readers exactly what you mean by that. Reading your statement, it sounds as if you make a pretty hefty TAX FREE pay check every month. Please feel free to share with the readers how much you screw the city of Providence every month, and let them decide if your phony injury disability check is fair, or if your real reason for leaving was because you were a dirty corrupt cop who was on the take, and city was getting ready to can you anyway.

The readers anxiously await your response Johnny Sweat Pants.

From: Open records, or cop safety?

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