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It's obvious by his comments that Johnny Sweat Pants was absent from work on the days the Providence Police Department held diversity training for their employees. Imagine being a member of the LGBT community and how you would be treated by Johnny Sweat Pants if you had a need for police assistance. Someone needs to inform Johnny Sweat Pants that it's the year 2020, and racial slurs, homophobic slurs, and discrimination are not qualities that make a good police officer. Come t think of it, maybe it was a good thing that the police department got rid of Johnny Sweat Pants as he was a disgrace to the uniform he wore for a very short period of time before defrauding the city and receiving a bogus disability pension which at last check earned him over $100,000 per year TAX FREE. Too bad Steve Pare wasn't running the show in Providence when Johnny Sweat Pants was disgracing the department, as Pare would have fired him long ago.

From: On top team

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