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Anyone who reads this newspaper can see Johnny Pajamas is far from happy, and is actually a very angry and psychotic individual. While he has collected MILLIONS OF TAX FREE DOLLARS from the taxpayers of Providence from his phony disability, instead of taking the money and keeping his pie hole shut, he makes a spectacle of himself and draws more attention to his criminal deeds. Now you can see why his son is no stranger to the criminal justice system. And a good barometer of how toxic Johnny Pajamas is in this city would be the republican candidates who are planning to run for mayor and city council later this year. They have made it abundantly clear to the republican leadership that they will not accept campaign contributions from Johnny Pajamas, they will not accept any endorsement from him, and they basically want nothing to do with him. Just being seen with him or being associated with him would sink a candidate's campaign before it even got off the ground.

With nobody wanting to even touch him with a 10 foot pole, even his buddies Stacia, Cushman, Block, and Cote have disowned him, and his own family members (if they're not in jail) wouldn't even vote for him. Sorry Johnny Pajamas, you have officially been determined to be IRRELEVANT in this city. Time for you to go back to riding around Oakland Beach making obscene gestures at city workers as you drive by them.

From: A fresh challenge as soon as Fire Chief named EMA director

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