Keyword: Donis
12 results total, viewing 1 - 12
STORY OF THE WEEK What’s more surprising – that CD2 Democrat Jim Langevin said nice things about Republican Allan Fung when Langevin endorsed a fellow Dem during the primary, or that … more
STORY OF THE WEEK  It was easy to anticipate the dynamic heading into two gubernatorial debates last week: Gov. Dan McKee would try to use the typical incumbent tack of avoiding miscues; GOP … more
STORY OF THE WEEK  U.S. District Court Judge William E. Smith shifted the focus from a cascade of campaign news last week when he dropped a big decision bringing a sudden halt to Rhode … more
STORY OF THE WEEK  Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee revisited his top campaign theme as he celebrated his primary victory last week. “As we said, it’s not the cards you get dealt, … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Televised debates on WPRI and WJAR last week offered a window into the state of the Democratic primaries for governor and the 2nd Congressional District. Rivals tried piling on … more
STORY OF THE WEEK With less than three weeks until Rhode Island’s Sept. 13 primary, the five-way Democratic race for governor took a curious turn. Nellie Gorbea’s campaign aired an ad … more
STORY OF THE WEEK The soccer stadium at Tidewater Landing is variously described as a game-changer that will spark an economic resurgence in Pawtucket or a boondoggle that will be a historic … more
STORY OF THE WEEK On the surface, a new Morning Consult finding showing Gov. Dan McKee as the lowest-ranked governor in the nation (with a 38% approval rating) doesn’t reflect well on the … more
STORY OF THE WEEK Failure is an orphan, and victory has many fathers, as the saying goes. That helps explain why Gov. Dan McKee gathered with House Speaker Joe Shekarchi and Senate President … more
STORY OF THE WEEK As much as the news about what sounds like a pending reversal of Roe v Wade was seismic, it wasn’t surprising; this is the very outcome that women activists and their … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: The jockeying for Rhode Island's 2022 election season is well under way, although it's impossible to know how much things may change by the primary next September. Gov. Dan McKee retains the benefits of incumbency -- something that more
Does it strain credulity that House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello did not know in advance about the Shawna Lawton mailer in 2016? When it comes to the top-down culture of the State House, as a former Smith Hill staffer told me, "e;They punish people for not more