Keyword: ordinance
21 results total, viewing 1 - 20
By JOHN HOWELL An ordinance that would have updated the city’s Harbor Management Plan and virtually wiped out the local shellfishing industry and most of the city’s marinaswas … more
In what was more of a working session than the classic meeting where the audience watches and sometimes voices approval or disapproval, the City Council with the input of property owners brought the … more
Under an ordinance given first passage earlier this month and coming up for second passage on Oct. 17, the Warwick Police Department’s use of ALPR (automated license plate recognition … more
For about three weeks in August Brendan McLaughlin used his Cowesett home for short-term rentals. Then on Aug. 23 he received a cease-and-desist letter from the city. “This office … more
To the Editor, It is no secret that often is the time when members of the public feel as though when they are testifying on ordinances, committee hearings or budget hearings, that the city council … more
By ALEX MALM The audience gave the Warwick City Council a standing ovation Monday after it gave second passage to an ordinance restricting large solar developments in residential areas. The … more
Last summer the Council was set to give second passage of a solar ordinance, however, it didn’t get voted on because the title of the ordinance wasn’t worded correctly on the legal … more
After being one vote away from passing a solar ordinance over the summer, the Warwick City Council will once again be voting on a proposed ordinance.  During last week’s Planning Board … more
On July 19 the Warwick City Council was one vote away from approving a City solar ordinance.  But because the title of the ordinance wasn’t worded correctly on the legal notice the … more
Ward 5 City Councilman Ed Ladouceur has drafted an ordinance that he says if passed by the council could save the City millions of dollars a year on active municipal employee and retiree health … more
To the Editor: Last week the Warwick Planning Board held an important and well-attended meeting to review a proposed solar siting ordinance and related changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed ordinance is a big win for Warwick with three more
To the Editor: Mayor Picozzi deserves a big thank you for his actions on solar development in Warwick. He has pulled back support for a proposed ordinance (PCO-6-20 sub B) which opens all of Warwick's open space and residential land to utility scale more
At the mayor's request, the City Council is not expected to consider an amended solar ordinance when it meets Monday. City Council President Steve McAllister said Wednesday he would move to hold the ordinance until the second meeting in October so as to more
By JOHN HOWELL In preparation of City Council consideration of a solar ordinance for a second time, City Principal Planner Lucas Murray of his own doing and expense invited council members and those voicing concerns over the ordinance to coffee and more
By JOHN HOWELL Those favoring, those opposed and those who agree with some but not all of an ordinance that would give the city the tools to regulate solar developments will have the opportunity to voice their points of view Aug. 16. (The Beacon more
To the Editor: Can't ignore the big picture of climate change The proposed solar ordinance before the City Council fails to address the issue of climate change and how it is impacting our city and state. Climate change is real and happening faster than more
By JOHN HOWELL Faced with arguments that a proposed ordinance to regulate solar panels could boomerang, resulting in their uncontrolled proliferation in residential areas with the loss of trees, along with fears the law could be legally challenged, the more
To the Editor: Thank you Leslie Derrig and Jane Kenney Austin for alerting us in your letters of July 8, 2021, to the critical solar ordinance up for consideration at the July 19th Council meeting. Who knew! Who knew that our city is considering allowing more
To the Editor: This is part of a letter I had written to each of the City Council members in hope they would reconsider the amended version of the Solar Ordinance they had approved in June's meeting; and to also put a moratorium on all new solar more
To the Editor: This is part of a letter I had written to each of the City Council members in hope they would reconsider the amended version of the Solar Ordinance they had approved in June's meeting; and to also put a moratorium on all new solar more
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