Differing tastes

Posted 5/29/24

Lobster is my favorite food, followed by movie theater popcorn.  Of course, the common denominator is the butter. My mouth waters just thinking about it. Knowing my proclivities, my friend made …

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Differing tastes


Lobster is my favorite food, followed by movie theater popcorn.  Of course, the common denominator is the butter. My mouth waters just thinking about it. Knowing my proclivities, my friend made me “impossible lobster” for my birthday, which was boiled fish with lots of butter.  Tasted just like lobster!

Hubby's favorite food is fruits de mer, shellfish in a spicy sauce, served over linguini. Just looking at it gives me heartburn. Steven loves a good steak on the grill, and Rosie still sticks with her chicken nuggets, both of which are not my favorites. Most people have favorite foods.  If, at a local restaurant, I see someone order something perfectly disgusting (to me) do I yell “That is perfectly disgusting!  What kind of people ORDER that?” Of course not!  I may snicker or shudder but would never say anything rude about other people's foods. 

There is SUCH a variation of clothing. My favorite is a very colorful, flowered, wrap dress. It is perfect because it does not wrinkle, and it can be wrapped tighter if I lose weight or let a little more fabric out if the pounds have crept back on. People wear professional clothes, (dress or nice pants and shirt, possibly a tie depending upon the profession,) or clothes for school, (school uniform, ripped jeans, t-shirts, flannel shirts and dresses) There are police and waitress uniforms, as well as the attire of priests and doctors. People also have a variety of looks; casual, formal, vintage, bohemian, preppy, minimalist, chic and artsy. If someone shopping at Walmart is wearing a bizarre outfit, fishnet stockings, tight shorts and a t-shirt with a picture of Alf, do I go “That is perfectly disgusting!  What kind of person WEARS that?”  Of course not!

People come in all different sizes.  Infants as premature as 1-2 pounds grace infant hospital beds in the pediatric  intensive care unit.  Grandfathers with plump round bellies bounce plump round grandchildren on their newly replaced knees. Some people are short, and some people are tall.  Some fat, some small.  Hubby is very tall, and people often ask how he likes the air “up there.”  If I see someone three feet tall who is not a child, do I go “That is perfectly disgusting! What kind of people are so short?” Of course not.

 Then the religion card is played.  It is no secret that I am spiritually inclined. Raised a Catholic, switched to Lutheran, happily a Christian, and a good friend of mine is Jewish. Like many other Americans, I was under the incorrect assumption that Christians and Jews comprised the largest part of the world's religious population, but I am off base.  There are a reported 2.4 billion Christians; 1.9 billion Muslims; 1.2 billion Hindus; and 500,000 Buddhists.  If I come in contact with a group of college students demonstrating on campus because of the attack by Hamas and Israel's retaliatory attack, do I go “That is perfectly disgusting!  What kind of people FIGHT about religion?”

 I think not. Fighting IS perfectly disgusting!


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