Festive spirit shines at Halloween Dinner-Dance

Pete Fontaine
Posted 10/22/15

It was quite fitting that Bob Mainelli, a noted singer and keyboardist who has entertained audiences in Rhode Island and beyond for many years, was part of the Manton Seniors recent Halloween …

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Festive spirit shines at Halloween Dinner-Dance


It was quite fitting that Bob Mainelli, a noted singer and keyboardist who has entertained audiences in Rhode Island and beyond for many years, was part of the Manton Seniors recent Halloween Dinner-Dance Sunday at famed Twelve Acres in Smithfield.

“I was thrilled when I learned that Bob was going to sit-in for Jerry Rubino,” Lori DeVito, president of the now 40-year-old independent senior citizens organization, offered. “He was ever so famous back in the day, and thank goodness he’s still performing.”

Mainelli replaced Rubino, leader of the famed Calamari Brothers, who have become the signature musical group whenever the Manton Seniors hold one of their patented super and special socials.

Sunday’s party, which featured many Manton Seniors members arriving at the famed banquet facility in costumes, was no exception.

“This was another great party,” DeVito said. “We had great music, great food, great prizes and great people here today … We had the college graduate in cap and gown. There was the sailor girl, and of course Little Miss Riding Hood. You’re never, ever too old to dress up for a Halloween party.”

And that’s why DeVito and the Manton Seniors presented each member that came dressed in a Halloween costume with a gift certificate to Dunkin’ Donuts.

“I really don’t believe in those first-, second- and third-place prizes,” DeVito offered. “In this club, everyone is equal.”

The Manton Seniors’ raffle featured more than two-dozen prizes that ranged from gift baskets to gift certificates.

When asked what’s next on the group’s calendar, DeVito replied: “Our Italian Gala.”

That event, which she explained is held annually to honor the many Italian members of our group, is set for Sunday, Nov. 15, also at Twelve Acres. Tickets are priced at $25 per person, and can be obtained by contacting Rose Coppola, the corresponding secretary, at 943-9332. For more information on the Manton Seniors, contact DeVito at 232-2499.


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