The Z-Boys ride the waves, beats & riffs with ‘Keep On Rockin’ In The Z World’

Posted 6/5/24

Hailing from Newport and making their presence felt consistently around the Providence area, The Z-Boys have been the premier purveyors of surf rock within the friendly confines of Rhode Island for …

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The Z-Boys ride the waves, beats & riffs with ‘Keep On Rockin’ In The Z World’


Hailing from Newport and making their presence felt consistently around the Providence area, The Z-Boys have been the premier purveyors of surf rock within the friendly confines of Rhode Island for the past few years. With this claim being apparent, the trio exhibit a spin on their style in interesting and peculiar ways. Greg Burgess possesses the ability to absolutely shred on guitar while Ziggy Coffey can pull off one of the craziest drum solos you’ll ever see with Amato Zinno serving as the glue holding it all together on bass. This cohesive blend of talents has made these guys one of the best acts to check out within the local scene and they have an excitable fan base to prove it. If you’re looking for any more justification, you should give their upcoming release “Keep On Rockin’ In The Z World” a listen when it comes out on June 7.

The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by the prolific producer Sammy D’Ambruoso at two different studios in Providence. The first few tracks were done at the former Studio Blue, which was in the city’s West End, while the rest of the tunes were done at Andem Street Studios, which is located in the city’s Chalkstone neighborhood. Like numerous other records D’Ambruoso has been involved in, the quality is immaculate. There aren’t any fancy tricks being utilized or anything to water things down, there’s a legit rawness that comes through while letting the arrangements shine. It also should be mentioned that “Keep On Rockin’ In The Z World” is completely instrumental, unlike The Z-Boys’ 2020 debut full-length “Elwood” that has Burgess singing on a few songs.

“Cruisin” starts it off with a mellow and cool vibe that’s accented by the velvety guitar chords and the drums hitting just the right tone. The tempo picks up a bit during “The Spice” and the track possesses the unique ability of having an array of riffs getting stuck in the listener’s head in a pleasant way. “Delay Aloha” is a bit funky while “That New New” has a legit ‘70s aesthetic that rides in between the decade’s prog-rock and jazz rock genres. I love that “Shoreline Access” concludes the album with a classic take on surf rock to bring it full circle. If you’re looking for some other tracks to dive into, other highlights include “Dog Walk” and “Relentless.”

To grab a copy of “Keep On Rockin’ In The Z World,” the best way to do so is by attending the show The Z-Boys are going to be having on the night of the album’s release at the Columbus Theatre on 270 Broadway in Providence. The party is going to be starting at 8pm with Fairhaven, Massachusetts psych-rock dynamos StarBath and local soul-funk groove masters Grizzlies rounding out the bill. It’s suggested that you attend promptly on time because you’re not going to want to miss a second of the extravaganza. If by chance you can’t make it, you can stream the album on the trio’s Bandcamp page at when it comes out and you can currently pre-order it until its official unveiling. I really enjoyed listening to this record from start to finish, and I have a feeling you will as well once you give it a listen.


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