Too many face housing insecurity

Posted 3/18/21

To the Editor: This has been a big month for affordable housing advocates. The Housing and Community Opportunity bond was passed by the residents of Rhode Island, and Speaker Shekarchi made housing a top priority on his agenda. Rhode Island has been

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Too many face housing insecurity


To the Editor:

This has been a big month for affordable housing advocates. The Housing and Community Opportunity bond was passed by the residents of Rhode Island, and Speaker Shekarchi made housing a top priority on his agenda.

Rhode Island has been facing an affordable housing crisis long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit us, but this pandemic has put an even bigger spotlight on this issue. There is simply not enough affordable housing in our state that is safe and healthy for our residents to live in. All types of housing is in short supply as homes sell almost as soon as they hit the market. Citizens looking to use housing vouchers continue to face discrimination and outright denial when trying to rent a home.

I commend Speaker Shekarchi for putting forward this housing legislative package. A home should be a safe haven for families to live and grow together. Too many Rhode Islanders continue to face housing insecurity.

Passing the Housing and Community Opportunity bond and legislation like the Fair Housing Practices Act are steps in the right direction to addressing our housing crisis.

Steve McAllister

City Council President


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