Warwick Police: Around 30 handguns swiped in gun store break-in

Posted 6/6/24

Warwick Police are investigating a major gun theft on Post Road.

Around 3:52 a.m., Thursday, May 30, 2024 Warwick Police responded to RI Guns, at 1175 Post Road for an alarm.

“Upon …

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Warwick Police: Around 30 handguns swiped in gun store break-in


Warwick Police are investigating a major gun theft on Post Road.

Around 3:52 a.m., Thursday, May 30, 2024 Warwick Police responded to RI Guns, at 1175 Post Road for an alarm.

“Upon arrival, responding Officers observed the entry doors of the business to have been smashed,” according to a Warwick Police press release distributed by Operations Bureau Commander Maj. Joel Thomas. “Inside the business, multiple gun cases appeared to have been broken into, and the contents were removed. At this time, approximately 30 handguns appear to have been taken in the break. Our Detectives are actively investigating many leads in this case and no further information will be released at this time.”

Pressed for additional details, including the type of break-in and specifics on the stolen weapons, Warwick Police Maj. Joel Thomas deferred questions to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“The ATF has taken the lead on this investigation,” Thomas wrote Wednesday afternoon. “We are currently in an assisting role. As it is their investigation, I respectfully ask that any additional requests for information be from their organization.”

A man on a ladder inside the store declined comment following the break-in. He was one of several men working inside the store late last week, repairing damage.

Matthew O’Shaughnessy, Special Agent and Public Information Officer with the ATF Boston Field Division, refused to comment or answer questions on the case, “because it’s an ongoing investigation.”

guns, theft


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