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The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) will open an exhibit of its archaeological study to find HMS Gaspee, the small Royal Navy ship burned by Patriots in 1772 on Warwick's Namquid … more
Visit the north end of Gaspee Point this week and you’ll likely find some stakes,  standing six inches above the sand, with tape strung between them into a 40 foot wide grid. You … more
Nobody said it was going to be easy. With the commencement of a bonafide hunt for the Gaspee off Namquid Point last year to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the burning of the British … more
Keith Strickland of Conimicut may have hit what remains of the HMS Gaspee just offshore from his home on Royal Avenue. That’s highly unlikely, seeing that colonists burned the British ship … more
By JOHN HOWELL After more than two weeks of what is surely the most comprehensive search for remains of the HMS Gaspee that was burned by colonists 250 years ago, the marine archeologist who led … more
By JOHN HOWELL Gaspee Point has hidden its secrets well, although divers found a “cultural item,” a brick, as they prepared over the weekend for a more extensive search this week in … more
The sinking of the HMS Gaspee is merely a footnote in some U.S. history books. If a small group of Rhode Island citizen scientists succeeds, a search for the British vessel’s remains may help rewrite the nation’s annals, and place the Namquid Point explosion on the first page of the first chapter of the American story. more
By JOHN HOWELL The outcome could have been tragic Sunday if bay waters were rough and one of three young teens had not used a cell phone to call for help. Warwick Battalion Chief William Wilson said Monday a call was received from an adult about 4:45 more