Little league champs honored at Town Hall

By Pete Fontaine
Posted 7/7/16

Mayor Joseph Polisena made the Johnston Little League’s 2016 champion Louis Press Athletics feel right at home inside his Town Hall Executive Chambers last Friday morning.

Polisena welcomed 11 …

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Little league champs honored at Town Hall


Mayor Joseph Polisena made the Johnston Little League’s 2016 champion Louis Press Athletics feel right at home inside his Town Hall Executive Chambers last Friday morning.

Polisena welcomed 11 uniformed Athletics, five coaches, and a host of parents for a special ceremony that included several unique presentations.

“This is the best part of my job,” Polisena told those gathered. “Let me first begin by saying we are very, very proud of your accomplishments, and each and every player and coach should feel good about what this team achieved during the 2016 season.”

The Athletics compiled a 15-2-1 regular season record, and then bested the Orioles and Red Sox to win all three postseason playoff games and capture the town championship.

“You guys all worked hard this season,” Polisena told the A’s players and their proud parents. “It’s an honor to win this championship. I personally want to thank all the parents for having your son participate in our great youth baseball league. It’s also very important that children get involved in such positive activities such as the Johnston Little League.”

Several players sat in the mayor’s seat and wore wide smiles as their parents recorded moment on their cells phones.

“Mayor Polisena is really making this morning special for everyone,” head coach Ed Pannone said. “This is something these boys will remember forever.”

The Athletics players signed an official Little League baseball that Polisena said would be placed on the shelf with other sports memorabilia inside his office.

The players honored were Michael Capraro, Ryan Schino, CJ Ragosta, Joey Bloom, Stephen D’Areienzo, Joey Vento, Hudson Carvalho, Jonah Pecchio, Chris Geraghty, Nomar Campbell, and Nick D’Aguila.

The Louis Press Athletics were managed by Mike Perez. Pannone served as head coach along with assistant coaches Anthony Pannone, Ed Pannone Jr., and Ron Capraro.


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