Mockery had no place in parade

Posted 6/22/23

The historical Gaspee Day Parade is an event more than half a century old.  Held in a historical area of Warwick, it has been an event that is anticipated by young and old for years.  …

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Mockery had no place in parade


The historical Gaspee Day Parade is an event more than half a century old.  Held in a historical area of Warwick, it has been an event that is anticipated by young and old for years.  Neighborhood parties abound, the smiles on the children’s faces are endless, and the comradery of young and old make this historical event one that the city looks forward to year after year.

Unfortunately this year, due to certain disrespectful actions taken by certain members of the Warwick Fire Department, a black mark has been placed upon this historical event.

It has come to my attention that on Saturday June 10th, the Warwick Fire Department used my picture and displayed it in the Special Hazard truck in a disparaging manner as it transited the Gaspee Day Parade.  This incident was initiated by Warwick Fire Personnel with the sole intent to mock and harass a private citizen during a public event.  I received numerous phone calls and text messages with the picture displayed in the windshield of the truck.  This portrayal of me in a city owned vehicle with city personnel has resulted in a defamatory condition and an invasion of my privacy initiating a public mocking and presenting me in a disparaging manner.  The action has placed the city in a libelous situation that will not go uncontested.  Certain fire department supervisory personnel were also aware of this activity.

 It is unfortunate that this juvenile retaliation against me is in response to my discovery that the Warwick Fire Department, from 2013 - 2018 engaged in a scheme of theft of taxpayer’s funds that absconded hundreds of thousands of dollars from the taxpayers.  Now, the hundred plus defendants continue to cost the taxpayers of the city money, due to the ongoing Superior Court litigation against them and the costs of the Certified Fraud Examiner that quantified the theft.  

Although Mayor Picozzi was notified in writing of this incident, he has failed to respond.  His lack of response only exacerbates the situation and emboldens these juvenile actions to continue.  Unfortunately, this will be costly to the city.

Rob Cote



2 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Erynn

    While I certainly am in favor of a free press and support those who wish to write letters to the editor, perhaps the letter writer could take a 9th grade English Language Arts class to understand how to use (and not use) the "big boy" words being thrown around here. Also, a thesaurus may come in handy. The word historical was used four times in four sentences - 3 times, improperly. Next, an education on the difference between libel (written word) and slander (spoken word), and how they relate to defamation, would be in order. Not having seen said photo during the parade, if it was simply a fathead with no written words attached, implying you were taking a jaunty ride in a fire truck, then no defamation occurred. I would, however, have enjoyed the public mocking that occurred (unless of course your photo alone was the mockery).

    Friday, June 23, 2023 Report this

  • JohnStark

    You'd think that with so many houses to paint, lawns to mow, and roofs to shingle Warwick's firefighters would engage in more constructive pursuits with their considerable free time. Further, you'd think that median salaries that are 32% higher than the state average would stifle nonsensical mockery of the very taxpayers responsible for that salary. And you would be wrong on both counts.

    Friday, July 7, 2023 Report this