On the path to a one-party country?

Posted 12/3/20

To the Editor: The United States is becoming a one-party country. The Democrats' unlimited immigration policy has succeeded in turning the "Left Coast" and southwestern states including Colorado blue. If they can turn Texas a Republican will never again

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On the path to a one-party country?


To the Editor:

The United States is becoming a one-party country.

The Democrats’ unlimited immigration policy has succeeded in turning the “Left Coast” and southwestern states including Colorado blue. If they can turn Texas a Republican will never again occupy the White House and there will be no need to abolish the Electoral College.

This western bloc will join New England, the Mid-Atlantic States and the five states that ring the Great Lakes plus Virginia. The 50 senators from these states and the vice president will ensure Democrats control the Senate. No need for statehood for Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

With a majority of the Senate assured the Democrats will return the Judicial Branch back to the left where their progressive agenda will be confirmed. No need to pack the Supreme Court. 

The “fourth branch” of government – the bureaucracy – is already controlled by the Democrats through the public employee unions.

The media, including powerful internet social platforms, is dominated by leftists as is the technology sector.

The government already controls the defense, education and financial services industries. The implementation of a single-payer system will complete the takeover of health care. Carbon taxes and climate change treaties will spell government control of the energy sector.

The Democrats’ strategy of mass mailing of ballot applications to every name on the voter roles succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. The coronavirus “panic-demic” served as the rationale for this effort. One does not need a degree in “poly sigh” to know that high voter turnout favors the Democrats. They will never surrender this advantage.

“Amerika” will be a totalitarian nation run by the coastal elite. Jeff Bezos, Bill and Melinda Gates, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and his son, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckenberg, Jack Dorsey, Kevin Systrom and a few other extremely wealthy men and a few women will bankroll the change. Spanish will become the second language and English will no longer be required to become a citizen.

The transformation of America into a socialist system begun by President Woodrow Wilson and enunciated by Barack Obama will be completed by the Biden and Harris administrations.

Richard J. August

North Kingstown


2 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Straightnnarrow

    Mr August has almost exactly right, but he failed to mention the relationship that Honest Abe had with Karl Marx, see attached link printed by the International Socialist Review and they would know a duck when they sees it:


    So we have the blueprint for the USA and it will be just like RI is today; government of, by and for the Democratic swamp with a smattering of Republicans so they can say they tolerate diversity.

    Friday, December 4, 2020 Report this

  • Straightnnarrow

    And if by chance a Republican should gain office, he must be a mirror image of the Democratic Party swamp; Gov Charlie Baker in MA is the perfect prototype. A monster like DJT (he whose name we cannot utter) must NEVER, NEVER, EVER be allowed to gain office again.

    Friday, December 4, 2020 Report this