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When you consider the Charles Rangles and Maxine Waters of the world and other politicians beating the system in which the IRS looks the other way including recent revelations regarding abusive power etc this guy should be cut a lot of slack. If he was going to harm this agent he would not have called it in over the phone, plus he did call back and asked to disregard the call. I hope the agent will have a forgiving heart and just let this individual realize he was just doing his job and throw in some anger counselingā€¦ Americans are getting more fed up everyday with all the absolutely unnecessary taxation e.g. illegal immigration, gitmo expenses, criminality, endless social programs that rewards irresponsible behavior etc, all on the backs of taxpayers. If our local officials had a heart they would cut this man some slackā€¦

From: Cranston man convicted of threatening to kill IRS agent, family

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