Keyword: photo
293 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Jane McGair opened her browser on the 80th anniversary of D-Day and there was her father, Branson Donaldson, on the front page of the Providence Journal. “I was very … more
Having been selected as one of three schools in the state as a “Disney Musical in Schools,” Norwood School was given the opportunity to select from Disney productions and have the rights … more
Postponed because of rain during Holy Week, Bishop Hendricken High School held its 50th annual hunger walk Friday. Here students are pictured on Sandy Lane. Father Robert Marciano, president of the … more
Some friends called him Elliott. He initially survived an archer’s illicit arrow attack and pond neighbors hoped for his recovery. His young family depended on him. The arrow was … more
The Warwick Area Career and Technical Center (WACTC) is the new owner of a 2023 Lincoln Aviator, which will be used  teach students in their Automotive Technology classes. WACTC is one of … more
The Johnston School Building Committee has so far awarded more than $40 million in contracts to Rhode Island firms for the construction the town’s new elementary center.  “This … more
Elizabeth Bastan is looking to raise money and resources for an addiction treatment center and animal rescue in a rather unusual way- with the beloved fan base of a 1970s TV landlady. The … more
Annette loves playing bingo. Evaline can’t stand the game. Annette is hard of hearing. Evaline is partially blind. Annette is 104. Evaline is 101. But they are … more
Secrets can be hard to keep, yet Representative David Bennett and Senator Matthew LaMountain kept their lips sealed leading up to Santa’s visit to the Beacon on Dec. 2. With a pepper … more
Of the eight Rhode Island schools admitted to the “Class of 2023 National Banner Unified Champion Schools” list, four hail from Johnston. more
Have you seen the blue building, the really blue building, on Buttonwoods Avenue across from Job Lot? No, that’s not the color it’s going to be when finished, but as Joanne McGonagle … more
By SAMANTHA RUSSELL The Gaspee Days Committee will ignite historical recognition alongside community engagement Saturday at 12:00 p.m. at the Pawtuxet Park Gazebo, marking the start of this … more
Debbie Wood of We Be Jammin and organizer of Saturday’s arts and crafts, food trucks and entertainment event at Rocky Point was thrilled with the estimated turnout of 6,000. “Everybody … more
A stuck accelerator was blamed for a crash in the Burlington parking lot on Bald Hill Road Friday. This van drove onto a parked car, but nobody was injured, according to police. (Warwick Beacon … more
The rage for Easter egg hunts hit the city this year, and if your timing was good - and you weren’t caught speeding - you could watch kids sprint across open fields dotted with colored plastic … more
On Dec. 10 Santa arrived at the Pontiac Police substation – the renovated Pontiac trolley station that now stands in Pontiac Park – by ATV, lights flashing and bells jingling. Inside … more
Week of December 1, 2022 [Photo gallery]
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