Keyword: sunrise
6 results total, viewing 1 - 6
As the tradition for decades, Easter sun rise services were held at Warwick Neck Light overlooking a serene Narragansett Bay with a mirror reflection of a brightening sky. That service was followed … more
Layers. That’s what Carol does to stay warm. It also explains why garments hang from every conceivable place in the house from door handles to chair backs. But she’s right. On … more
Voices joined together during the early outdoor Sunday morning services celebrating Easter and its message of life eternal. Celebrants arrived as early dawn at Warwick Neck Lighthouse for a sunrise … more
In keeping with a tradition regardless of rain, wind and even wet snow, a sun rise Easter service was held Sunday at Warwick Neck Light. This year the forecast was for overnight … more
Easter Sunday could not have been more perfect for outdoor services. The sky was clear. There was no wind and the temperature was nippy it was not bone cold. As has been the practice for decades, the tradition of services at Warwick Neck Light and the more
Renewal Easter morning provided perfect conditions for two traditional Warwick sunrise services. The first, which actually started before the sun made its appearance rising above the Bristol shoreline, was held at Warwick Neck Light. Commencing soon more