Months in the planning

Posted 5/30/24

As he looked over the spread facing his Fair Street home Saturday, Matt Pockett said his 7-year old daughter Holly first started talking about a yard sale months ago. Assisted by her 9-year old …

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Months in the planning


As he looked over the spread facing his Fair Street home Saturday, Matt Pockett said his 7-year old daughter Holly first started talking about a yard sale months ago. Assisted by her 9-year old sister Loretta, the two couldn’t have planned it better. Traffic coming and going from the not too far away Gaspee Days Arts and Crafts Festival was steady and people were in the mood to linger and see what they might pick up. The girls added an incentive, lemonade for sale. Holly’s Goods as advertised included a collection of children’s books, toys and crafts. (Warwick Beacon photos)

stand, Holly


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