Scouts of Buttonwoods Troops unite for Gettysburg trip

Posted 6/22/23

The boys and girls of BSA Troops 7 and 77 of Buttonwoods embarked on a journey to remember to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during Memorial Day weekend. For three unforgettable days, these scouts …

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Scouts of Buttonwoods Troops unite for Gettysburg trip


The boys and girls of BSA Troops 7 and 77 of Buttonwoods embarked on a journey to remember to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during Memorial Day weekend. For three unforgettable days, these scouts experienced history, outdoor adventures, and demonstrated their commitment to service.

Camped at historic Camp Conewago, a more than 100-year-old scout camp located in New Oxford, PA, the 21 scouts set the stage for a trip through history. Their trek began with a visit to Gettysburg National Military Park Museum, where they explored the story of one of America's most pivotal Civil War battles.

The scouts then embarked on a hike along the renowned "Billy Yank" trail, immersing themselves in the Union's perspective of the battlefield. They explored iconic landmarks such as Meade's Headquarters, the Union Line, the Pennsylvania Monument, the Peach Orchard, and Pickett's Charge. Along the way, the scouts learned of the stories of bravery and sacrifice that unfolded at these historic locations.

Continuing their journey on the second day, the scouts ventured along the "Johnny Reb" trail, and experienced the Gettysburg battle from the perspective of Confederate soldiers. They paid their respects at the Gettysburg National Cemetery, pausing to salute and offer silent prayers for the Rhode Island soldiers laid to rest there. The scouts also explored landmarks such as Cemetery Hill, Culp's Hill, Spangler’s Spring, and numerous monuments to gain a better understanding of the historical significance of the battlefield.

The scouts' trip rounded off with a visit to the Eisenhower National Historic Site, where they toured the grounds of the former president’s farm and participated in a flag retirement ceremony alongside park rangers that showcased the scouts' commitment to honor and duty.

Troops 7 and 77 demonstrated remarkable camaraderie throughout the journey, showcasing the true spirit of scouting. Troop leaders expressed their pride in the scouts' achievements and commended their dedication to honoring the past. The Gettysburg trip exemplified the core values of scouting, instilling a sense of responsibility, patriotism, and community service in the young scouts.

To learn more about Troops 7 and 77, please contact for the girls’ troop and for the boys’ troop. Meetings are typically held on Wednesdays beginning at 7 p.m. at Saints Rose & Clement Church, 111 Long Street, Warwick.

scouts, Gettysburg, troop


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