Who needs Oreos?

Posted 6/5/24

Like many people my age, type 2 diabetes is a challenge. Only recently have the symptoms begun to affect my life in a major way, causing me to feel ill every morning.

While trying to get the A1C …

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Who needs Oreos?


Like many people my age, type 2 diabetes is a challenge. Only recently have the symptoms begun to affect my life in a major way, causing me to feel ill every morning.

While trying to get the A1C under control, an additional oral medication has been prescribed. Sure, I could have chosen Trulicity as has been prescribed in the past. This type of medication is all the rage as it is usually associated with weight loss, something which I could definitely use. However, the self-injected shots wrecked havoc with my life in a different way...they made me super sick. So nauseous, in fact, that I DID lose weight, but not in the manner I had planned. Instead of magically stimulating weight loss, the weight loss came because I could not hold anything down.

 As a person who just loves to eat, this life change was unbearable because eating is one of my greatest joys in life. So, the doctor has prescribed a new, little pink pill that lowered my blood sugar so much that I am now dealing with low blood sugar, hypoglycemia develops. There is nothing worse than feeling lightheaded, sweaty and shaky in the morning as I dress for work. This dilemma was solved by a change in my routine. Instead of rushing out the door in the morning, banana and orange smoothie in hand, I now make time to sit and eat a simple breakfast of egg, toast and orange juice to combat these symptoms. This was an important life change needed to get the blood sugar under control.

There are several additional behavioral changes needed to maximize my health in this area. Knowing that exercise is important, I try to get to the pool at least three times a week. With arthritis difficulties, any other exercise causes joint pain, but swimming in the warm pool water is easy. Surprisingly, just sitting for longer than 30 minutes at a time can also be a risk factor so the American Diabetes Association suggests getting up every half hour to move and do something physical. Interrupting sitting and replacing it with some type of activity improves how well metabolism works, and increases insulin sensitivity. Being a person who diligently sits are my desk for six straight hours, this information was life changing. Now, every half hour, up and out of my seat I go, stretch my legs, and take a walk around the building. It may look like I am aimlessly wandering, but my metabolism is being stirred.

I am not a big alcohol drinker, but lounging in a bubble bath in the evening, playing Words with Friends on my iPad and drinking a frozen wine cooler is a favorite pastime. (Think of Del’s lemonade with alcohol in it.) Yum! Limiting myself to one drink per night produces the health benefits of reduced inflammation, decreased blood clots, and decreased insulin resistance. Who knew that wine coolers could be good for me?

Another area in which I excel is sleeping. I am a great sleeper, and can nap anywhere, any time. At bedtime, I am out like a light and easily sleep through the night without any problems. It has been shown that those with insomnia or chronic sleep deprivation have higher blood sugar levels than those who sleep soundly through the night. It seems that difficulty sleeping increases the release of stress hormones, which increases blood sugar. Poor sleep has also been linked to an increase in appetite, and the desire to eat more carbs and sweets.

Eating processed foods, of which I am guilty, can also increase blood sugar by providing empty calories. People who eat highly processed foods tend to eat more calories, correlating to weight gain and an increased risk of insulin resistance. Knowing this, and trying to lose weight, my Oreo cookies have been replaced by grapes, and black cherries have replaced my pizza rolls.

I am fortunate that smoking has never been a vice of mine. People who smoke have a 40% higher chance of becoming diabetic, and heavy smokers are even more at risk. I am also fortunate that, in more ways than one, I am never lonely, another precursor to becoming diabetic. Those who reported that they were lonely had a two-fold risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The above-mentioned facts have become gospel to me. It is anticipated that should I comply, my diabetic issues will be well controlled, and I will be destined to live a long and happy life. Who needs Oreo’s anyway?


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